Valley of Fire Expedition
Experience the amazing landscape and colors that this State Park has to offer.
2 Days – $775
The Expedition
Fire Wave at Valley of Fire
Valley of Fire State Park is the oldest state park in Nevada, USA and was designated as a National Natural Landmark in 1968. It covers an area of almost 42,000 acres and was dedicated in 1935. It derives its name from red sandstone formations, formed from great shifting sand dunes during the age of dinosaurs. These features, which are the centerpiece of the park’s attractions, often appear to be on fire when reflecting the sun’s rays.
Complex uplifting and faulting of the region, followed by extensive erosion, have created the present landscape. The rough floor and jagged walls of the park contain brilliant formations of eroded sandstone and sand dunes more than 150 million years old. Other important rock formations include limestones, shales, and conglomerates.
We will be photographing Windstone Arch, Elephant Rock, Fire Canyon Arch and Petroglyphs.
Elephant Rock at Valley of Fire
Prehistoric users of the Valley of Fire included the Ancient Pueblo Peoples, also known as the Anasazi, who were farmers from the nearby fertile Moapa Valley. Their approximate span of occupation has been dated from 300 BC to 1150 AD. Their visits probably involved hunting, food gathering, and religious ceremonies, although scarcity of water would have limited their stay. Fine examples of rock art (petroglyphs) left by these ancient peoples can be found at several sites within the park.Although petroglyphs are present throughout the entire park, Mouse’s Tank and Atlatl Rock are two areas in particular which have many petroglyphs while being relatively easily accessible.
Windstone Arch at Valley of Fire
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Travel / Lodging / Directions / Travel Documents
Getting to Valley of Fire State Park
Flights / Transportation are not included in the workshop.You will need to purchase a flight from your location to the Las Vegas Airport (LAS).
Lodging and meals are not included. Suggested lodging is the North Shore Inn, located in Overton, Nevada (702-397-6000).
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Travel Document Required
A tourist Visa is not required.
Vaccination and Medicine Recommendations
We recommend you contact your travel physician or health care provider for the most up to date recommendations. More information can be found at: CDC Destination Recommendations
What Is/n’t Included
Beavertail Cactus at Valley of Fire
Lodging and meals are not included. Suggested lodging is the North Shore Inn, located in Overton, Nevada (702-397-6000).
Snacks and water will be provided. We will take a break mid-day, each day, for lunch and rest.
What To Expect
Atlati Rock Petroglyphs in Valley of Fire
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Group Size – 10
We have designed this trip with superb comfort and quality in mind. For these reasons, we have purposely limited this trip to only 10 photographers, and with 2 instructors. Having a small group allows us to be highly efficient while ensuring personal attention and the ultimate intimate educational experience.
What to Bring
Required Equipment
DSLR Camera
Our Workshops require the consistent creative control of a Digital SLR Camera (DSLR) to get the most out of your learning experience.
We will be utilizing the camera’s Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority, and Manual modes, and multiple lenes if you have them.
We teach all brands and models of Canon, Nikon, Sony, Pentax, Fuji and more!Tripod
Tranquility and Stability are prime in Photography.
To achieve this, we many times need a sturdy tripod will help improve your compositions and get sharp images.
A tripod also allows you more time to determine what settings and focus you need to execute your creative insight.Wireless Remote Control / Cable Release
Since we go through all the trouble to place out camera on a sturdy tripod, we would be doing our image a dis-service is we didn’t keep our hands and body motion away from the camera. A shutter release allows you to do that. This helps ensure a sharpest photo especially in long exposures in dark areas, or at night. They are very affordable to affordable and a necessary tool to have in your camera bag!
Other Things to Bring
Additional Lenses
Try to cover a range from very wide (17-20mm), for landscape images, to zoom ranges (100-400mm) for wildlife. It’s not uncommon to see wildlife on workshops (even those structured for landscape instruction), so it’s best to be prepared, if possible. We also encourage you to bring other lenses, like a macro or fish-eye lens if you have them, because there are always endless creative possibilities to be found on our workshops.
We do a great deal of work with filters in our workshops, so, if you have them, bring them. We highly recommend a Circular Polarizer, and a (3 or 4) soft-step graduated neutral density (GND) filter. We also use straight neutral density filters, which will help us get longer exposures in all times of day, but this isn’t as important as the first two mentioned. We have a few extras that can be loaned out, but you’re going to love what you see with the filters, and you’ll want to have your own.
Extra batteries
Bring at least 1 or 2 extra batteries. Batteries drain much quicker while using long exposures and in Cold temperatures. Just like running out of Memory Space to save that perfect last image of the day, dead batteries can spoil the trip.
Extra Memory Cards
We will be instructing on the benefits of, and encouraging to shoot in, the superior RAW format. RAW images take up more space on a memory card. Having multiple memory cards will be to your benefit.
We will spend time, when not in the field, reviewing and critiquing images
Shoes & Clothing
Wear good, comfortable walking shoes and wear / bring layers of clothing you can add if/when temperature and wind conditions change, and they probably will.
Water, Lunch and Snacks
Snacks and water are supplied on all Expeditions. On one day workshops, we stop for lunch at a local food establishment and you can buy meals or eat what you have brought for yourself.
>> Why only Digital?
Digital photography offers unique learning opportunities. Being able to instantly reviewing images , we can review exposure, composition and histograms, and suggest corrections if needed.
>> Why only RAW Digital?
RAW Digital photography offers unique non-destructive control and manipulation opportunities that are not possible in JPEG images.
>> When to arrive?
All students are expected to arrive on-time per the instructions and to work together as a group to learn, not only from instructors, but also from each other.
>> What to Bring?
Each Expedition and Workshop suggest different Things to Bring. Please read the “What To Bring” Tab on the individual Expedition and Workshop page for specific details.
Many workshops focus on landscape photos, but wildlife might appear providing the perfect scene to photograph them in their natural habitat. It’s always better to go into the field with slightly too much gear.
>> Is transportation provided?
Each student is responsible for their own transportation to and from the workshop meeting location.
>> Does weather ever alter or cancel events?
Only if conditions pose a safety risk. Often, poor weather can make for dramatic photographic opportunities, so if rain is forecasted, pack a light jacket or rain poncho and bring something to keep your camera dry (a hotel shower cap is ideal).
>> What happens if I have to cancel?
When you reserve a spot, it won’t be available for anyone else, therefore we can not offer a refund unless the cancellation is 90 days before the workshop date. This policy is necessary to assure that WDP can:
- Keep the cost to our Students to a minimum
- Guarantee a limited number of Student enrollment per workshops
- Maintain a high number of Instructors to Student ratio
However, there is an exception to every rule. If, for some reason an Expedition or Workshop is cancelled by WDP, you will be entitled to a refund, or may choose a credit for a different date. [Read more…]
>> Create better photographs!
These workshops will help you develop technical and creative skills to produce photographs at a Professional level while you build friendships and have fun!
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